Crona Virus |Covid-19| Vaccine Treatment And Cure || By MyWeb || Zeeshan || - My Web

Crona Virus |Covid-19| Vaccine Treatment And Cure || By MyWeb || Zeeshan ||

Crona Virus |Covid-19| Vaccine Treatment And Cure || By MyWeb || Zeeshan ||

Coronavirus vaccine:
scientist and research across the world trying to develop a vaccine that can fight virus (covid 19).

There is no vaccine in the world for the treatment of crona virus according to research and scientist it can take up one year develop the effective vaccine of Corona virus. Our immune system is the only vaccine against crona virus till now.
If the body immune system is enough strong only e then the human body can recover from covid infection. Many effect people have recovered from virus.

Development process of Corona virus vaccine.

Developing vaccine against any virus . Long run process and passas through many stages. These stages are following. In labortory of East London doctor and researcher have hired few volunteers to create and effective vaccine of virus covid 19.

Researcher are doing experiment oN volunteers. They are collecting data about how the human body is reacting types of virus and these virus are impacting on the body they are collecting this type of data to develop the vaccines. Researcher inject The viruse to similar coronavirus inside the the healthy volunteer body to make them sick and again cure them with the different type of medicine they are gone through different type of treatment.
This process is repeated in many fit and healthy volunteers many time and then they monitor all data then analyse the information to develop the best and effective treatment of vaccine.

This is a very long process according to the researcher the research of this complete process of developing vaccine for statement against virus can take up to 1 year.ek ful world is lucky enough then human can develop a stable vaccine at treatment against the crona virus.

Scientist of all the world have come together to develop the vaccine of Corona virus.

Stages of Corona virus.

According to WHO world health organisation there are four stages of crona. infection

First Stage.

Pin this stage the virus arise in another country along with the person infected from abroad. Pakistan has cross the stage on 16 February 2020.

Second Stag.

In this stage the virus in fact the relative of infected person who has returned from abroad it's me that the source of transmission is not a foreign country but now the new fact country has its on source of virus Pakistan has also cross the stage after the first stage.

Third Stage .

In which stage virus add in the community and it's very hard to identify the chain of infection no people who have never visited the broad with virus infection cases and never come in the contact of the person having virus infection.
Pakistan is the forwarding forward the stage if Pakistan inter stage then it will be very impossible for Pakistan to prevent to enter in the four stage because Pakistan is a having very less medical facilities and resource Pakistan government has lock down in whole country to prevent people from disaster the people who isolated themselves from others .

Forth Stage .

In this last stage of infection infection become epidemic and now it is impossible to control in the country China has already entered in the state Germany France Italy and other European countries are forwarding This Stage.

Symptoms of Corona virus.

There are four main symptoms of Corona virus covid 19 I'm human which arw follows.

Dry cough.

Dry cough is the type of cough where sputum or is not produce with the cough . Dry cough may sound different then the cough with sputum for mucus has a very consistent sound.
Very important to note that dry cough may be symptom of allergies asthma bronchitis or typical common cold.

Sore throat.

Throat irritation plan or scratchiness in the throat it become worse when you swallow the viral infections is most common cause of throat.
And sore throat is also caused by Covid -19

High favour.

A favour is a high body temperature temperature of 38.9 °c can be helpful because its help the body fight infection more healthy children and adult can we needed a favour as high 39.4 to ,40°c for short periods of time without problem children tend to have high fever than adults.
the degree of favour mein not show how serious the illness is the minor illness cold you may have a temperature while very serious infection couse little aur no fever. Is important to look for and Abdullah with the symptoms along with favour.

Difficultt in Breathing.

Covid-19 infected person has difficulty in breathing but it's not necessary that a crona virus infected person has difficulty in breathing in starting.
When people become seriously ill and station become worse than infected person says difficulty in breathing.

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